马来西亚和国际电话号码+60124023320 +60124052343 +60165212343+60165514211 +60165512314 +60105664551泰国电话客服7AM-1050PM曼谷时间0897397412 0814796345新加坡免费电话800-130-1794Indonesia SMS Only+62-85278696000印尼BBM客服支持BBM PIN: 2A03BA88, 2638F7AB (Full)SEAGM短信电话号码 (只限于发质询使用)+60124023320+60165213541泰国客服Line APP帐号 seagm1 seagm2
SEA Gamer Mall (1001568-K) established in August 2007, is a world class professional company providing gaming related products and value-added services.Since its official establishment in 2007,SEA Gamer Mall has been gathering precious experience and tremendous growth and progress. Our growth has been exponential in the last 3 years compared to the numerous online gaming trading merchants.We adopt B2C in dealing directly with gamer worldwide. We range selective products, with free customization, specific pricing and secured swiftness as our core objectives, to supply personalized service and products to worldwide game players.SEA Gamer Mall is committed to build a better global gamer service platform, striving towards product diversification and service personalization to the fulfillment of game players' needs, and hence the total enjoyment of gaming pleasures!Thank you for shopping at SEA Gamer Mall. We will assist you wholeheartedly to curb your doubts and problems. Your satisfaction is our goal!
一线平台, 已推广市场包括马来西亚,新加坡,泰国,印尼,越南,菲律宾,土耳其,俄国,欧美,巴西,诚意收货