美服《FF14:重生之境》怪兽部落预览 解读怪兽生活习性&运作方式

2013-12-16 3131


今天的2.1补丁预览, 我们将介绍兽族任务, 让冒险者一窥野兽部落的日常生活和内部运作。因为每天都有新任务, 玩家可以稳步提高他们在兽人中的声誉,去赢得他们的好感。通过援助部落, 你会发现Eorzea神秘居民无数的秘密, 并收获奖励。
虽然三个城邦因与怪兽部长期不断的战争而封锁,依然存在着某些兽人派系与他们的邻居保持友好关系。他在远离充满敌意的兄弟的地方建立家园。为进行兽族任务,学习他们的方式, 玩家必须继续前往希尔弗的家园---Little Solace和"阿马尔加人的家园Ring of Ash。
玩家在一天之内可以接受6个任务。任务目标可以从帮助兽人捍卫家园到协助他们维持生计。完成后, 玩家获得经验值,吉尔和Allagan tomestones。通过完成这些每日野兽部落任务,玩家还将提高他们在部落的声誉。当声誉已足够, 就能够通过进行特殊的任务提高到更高的等级。


充分提高声誉后, 玩家将能够进行特殊的兽族任务提高排名。这些特殊的任务将会让我们更好的理解兽人的文化和日常生活。完成其中一个特殊的任务, 你的等级将增加,声誉计数器将会重置。通过提高排名, 额外的任务将会解锁, 更广泛的各种各样的物品将可购买。


与下面的npc对话,开始一系列的任务;完成后, 将解锁兽族任务。
任务地点:新市街 (X:9,Y:11)——Vorsaile Heuloix
Amalj 'aa: Ring of Ash
任务地点:沙之城 —— 回廊NPC “迅速”
任务前提:玩家必须完成主要场景任务 “追求过去。”
每一个与城邦保持联系的兽族都经营着一家商店,出售各种各样的商品。虽然不能立即购买,但玩家可以通过改善与野兽部落的关系进入商店。通 过完成每日野兽部落任务,提高声誉,你将能够购买各种物品, 如家具、奴才和坐骑。





oday's patch 2.1 preview will introduce beast tribe quests, which give adventurers a glimpse into the daily lives and inner workings of the beast tribes. With new quests available every day, players can steadily raise their reputation among the beastmen to win their favor. By lending your aid to the tribes, you can discover the untold secrets of Eorzea's enigmatic denizens and reap rewards for your efforts.
Beast Tribe Quest Overview
Beast tribe quests are a new series of quests which can be accepted from the beast tribes that have befriended the people of Eorzea. The beast tribe quests added in patch 2.1 will give players a closer look at the lives of the sylph and Amalj'aa tribes.
Peaceful Beast Tribes
Although the three city-states are locked in constant battle with the beast tribes, there exist factions of beastmen who maintain cordial relations with their neighbors. These beastmen factions have chosen to establish hamlets removed from their hostile brethren. To undertake beast tribe quests and learn of their ways, players must proceed to Little Solace, home of the sylphs, and the Ring of Ash, home of the Amalj'aa.
Players can accept up to six quests in a single day. Quest objectives can range from helping the beastmen defender their homes to assisting them in tasks to maintain their livelihood. Upon completion, players are rewarded with experience points, gil, and Allagan tomestones. By completing these daily beast tribe quests, players will also improve their reputation with that tribe. When your reputation has risen sufficiently, you will be able to raise it to a higher rank by undertaking a special quest.
After sufficiently raising reputation, players will be able to undertake special beast tribe quests to increase their rank. These special quests will give further insight into the culture and daily lives of the beastmen. Upon completing one of these special quests, your rank will increase and your reputation counter will be reset. By increasing your rank, additional quests will be unlocked, and a wider variety of items will become available for purchase from tribe vendors.
Undertaking Beast Tribe Quests
Speak with one of the NPCs below to begin a series of quests which, upon completion, will unlock beast tribe quests.
Sylphs: Little Solace
Quest Name Seeking Solace
Required Level Level 42
Quest Location New Gridania (X:9, Y:11) - Vorsaile Heuloix
Quest Prerequisites Players must first complete the main scenario quest "In Pursuit of the Past."
Amalj'aa: Ring of Ash
Quest Name Peace for Thanalan
Required Level Level 43
Quest Location Ul'dah - Steps of Nald NPC “Swift”
Quest Prerequisites Players must complete the main scenario quest "In Pursuit of the Past."
Beast Tribe Vendors
Each beast tribe that maintains relations with the city-states manages a shop which sells various goods. Although not immediately available, players may gain access to these shops by improving their relations with the beast tribes. By completing daily beast tribe quests and raising your reputation, you will be able to purchase various items such as furnishings, minions, and mounts.

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